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If our church closed tomorrow… (part 2)

Week #2 – Same question: “If our church closed tomorrow, how much time would pass before the community noticed?”

Last week I wrote about the many outreach ministries of our parish. If our parish closed and we stopped those ministries, many people in need of material assistance would know very quickly. But, what about members and non-members who do not need material help? It is my conclusion that people who seek spiritual and moral help would notice very quickly if St. Willebrord Parish closed our doors.

Those who are involved in all of those outreach ministries about which I mentioned last week would know of our closure very quickly. Those who make sandwiches, who serve meals at N.E.W. Community Shelter, who donate food and money for the hungry, who serve in our food pantry, who help with “The Giving Tree,” and who regularly see and interact with the poor and homeless here at the parish would know.

Those who call us when they are in the hospital or who move to a nursing home would know that we were no longer open. However, if these persons only looked for parish ministry when they went to the hospital or new residence, they might not know the parish had closed until there was a crisis. Those who no longer able or who choose not to participate regularly in weekend Masses, would not discover we were closed for a month or two or years later depending how often they come to Mass.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available over 7 hours of scheduled time per week – over 375 hours per year. Some people come weekly, some monthly, some bi-monthly, some infrequently, and some very rarely. We welcome people to the Sacrament of Reconciliation from all over the city of Green Bay and beyond, to English and Spanish language speakers. If we closed our doors, many other pastors would discover that the demand for the sacrament had increased as so many of their members come to St. Willebrord. Furthermore, we celebrate over 1,050 scheduled Masses each year – 20 per week. Because Mass is celebrated twice daily and 8 times each weekend, many non-members frequently participate at our parish. If we closed our doors, those who seek the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist would know very quickly.  If our parish closed tomorrow, how much time would pass before you noticed?

Peace, Fr. Andy