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Author: Aidee Boesen

Vacation from God

The summer months offer us time to change the pace of our lives. Or, perhaps instead of running from one task, job, school event, or meeting, we just run, play, splash in the water, lay in the sun, relax and read, etc. I hope that each of you and your families have a chance to plan some vacation time.

And, of course, we have a chance in the summer months to deliberately think about God our loving Father, about our relationship with Jesus, and about our awareness of the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit. As you plan your days of vacation and rest, perhaps you can look at some times for additional prayer and reflection as well. Because of all the COVID-19 restrictions you may not want to attend a retreat or weekend of reflection, but what might be some alternatives? There are on-line retreats, too! Retreat leaders are offering on-line conversations, one-on-one spiritual companionship, and preaching. Do a search with these words: “on-line retreat Catholic 2020.”

You know that each year I attempt to remind everyone that the summer is not a time to vacation from God or from our faith communities. In fact, this year we will do well to begin to come back to our parish church! Your spiritual life, your confidence in God and intimacy with God seems even more important in this time of COVID-19 when our earthly lives have become even more vulnerable. Our need for God and our awareness of God’s nearness is no less important during the summer.

Please, do not forget that the parish relies upon your support, both spiritual and material. We must pay our bills for electricity, gas, water/sewer, garbage removal, church supplies, office supplies, faith formation programs, internet access, telephone, personnel, etc. just like homes and businesses must pay. Members of the parish provide the revenue to pay the expenses. None of the above stopped because of COVID-19. We continue to function as a parish. We have even increased our expenses in the ministry of charity as we gave food, cleaning supplies, masks, etc. to families that suffered from the coronavirus or who lost jobs. Not everyone received stimulus checks or tax return money. Please make your offering to the parish if you have forgotten, and consider increasing it if you are able because others are not. Thank you!

Peace, Fr. Andy