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Author: Aidee Boesen

There Is No Vacation From Our Faith

     Catholic faith, worship, and summer – how do they go together? I pray that your answer is positive and creative. There is no doubt that the summer months seem to pass quickly.  The daylight peaks in mid-June, the temperatures peak late July and early August, and soon we are seeing the hints of autumn. Many people try to do many things in these few short months of ideal weather conditions.

     So, is it possible that the summer days, weeks and months can give us a chance to try something different with our faith, but not something less? How might we enhance our faith-life and that of our family with the different activities and schedules of the summer months?

     First, let us agree that there is no vacation from our faith. There is no vacation from our obligations to the faith community. We must “keep holy the Sabbath” as we are commanded in the third commandment. How do we contribute to the holiness of the community by our fidelity to the worship and praise of God, even if we are on vacation from work, school, etc.? Remember, when you are traveling on vacation you are not exempted from Sunday Mass, except when it is impossible to find a church with a schedule that corresponds to your travel schedule. If you can find a church and schedule that works, then great. But, if you cannot find a church, a convenient schedule, and/or a way to arrive at the church, then what is the next best possibility?

     I suggest that we search for ways to access the Sunday Scripture readings. Borrow a missalette from the parish to take with you, or, download them to your phone or other electronic devices from one of the many on-line sites which try to serve busy and active believers. Even if you are unable to be at Mass, you can read the scripture texts and meditate upon their meaning. In this way you can keep a strong sense of solidarity with your faith community even when you are unable to be present. You can do this alone or organize a time of prayer with others with whom you are travelling. Be a witness to your faith, even on vacation.

     Summer time is also time for Mission Appeals. Please give your attention to Fr. Clement who is here this weekend to offer us insight into the ways that the people of Nigeria desire to hear God’s Word and live by it. Thank you for your generous support!

Peace, Fr. Andy