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Author: Aidee Boesen

The Gift of “More”

    Jesus Christ is Risen! Alleluia! He is Risen indeed! Alleluia!

    Come, Holy Spirit, come! This is our mantra as we recognize that the Holy Spirit of God has already come. Moreover, we want the Spirit to continue to come, to inhabit our lives and to inhabit the world! Therefore, we never stop repeating, “Come Holy Spirit, come!”

    The Holy Spirit is the gift of “more” which Jesus promised he would send us after his Ascension. The Holy Spirit is not “more” in the sense of “I have more than you.” No! The “more” that the Holy Spirit brings is a gift to be shared. It is the gift of abundant love which we have to offer even when we feel empty. The gift of “more” that the Holy Spirit brings, makes communication possible with God. The Spirit groans on our behalf when we do not know how to pray (Romans 8:26-27). The Holy Spirit provides us with more opportunities for reconciling, peacemaking, and living generously.

     As we celebrate Pentecost today, we give thanks for the great diversity of people who are our brothers and sisters in the Christian faith. They are Chinese, Indians, Nigerians, Syrians, and Guatemalans. They come from Palestine, South Africa, Indonesia, Kenya, and Chile. We know them as Mexicans, Columbians, Puerto Rican-Americans, Tanzanians and Canadians. They are Russian, Ukrainian, Egyptian, Iranian, Turkish, and Iraqi.

     The tremendous richness of our Christian family is almost beyond comprehension. Still, we strive to know our neighbors and their history. We want to know about their journey into the Christian faith. The Spirit blows where it wills (John 3). The Spirit does not know borders. How blessed we are to be called to be “one body, one Spirit in Christ” with all these women, men, and children with whom we have so much in common.

     Being the Church, the People of God, supersedes any other affiliation we may have. As Sons and Daughters of God, we have something more important than race, nationality, political party, gender, or sexual orientation in which to find common ground. We have the Holy Spirit who binds us and joins us together into one as God’s family. There is no “difference” that can be more than that unity. Come Holy Spirit, come! Bring us more of God’s love and unity!

     Jesus Christ is Risen! Alleluia! He is Risen indeed! Alleluia!

Peace, Fr. Andy