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Author: Aidee Boesen

April Awareness Month

Happy Easter! Alleluia, Jesus Christ has risen! Alleluia!

      April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Child Abuse Prevention Month. We are invited to be aware of the problems and the crimes associated with sexual assault and child abuse. And, let us also think positively. How are we going to show even greater respect for the other? Regardless of the other’s gender or age everyone deserves respect. Our Savior and Messiah, Jesus the Christ, showed us the approach of love and mutual respect which we must learn, teach and practice.

      Last week I wrote about evangelization, that is, sharing Jesus Christ with others. This means that we must come to know him and follow him. As we follow him we learn to pray to Jesus and worship him. Finally, we will want to imitate Jesus as we share him with others.

      Regarding sexual assault and child abuse prevention, followers of Jesus must discover how Jesus respected, cared for, and loved others. We must observe the respect he showed for the vulnerable. The vulnerable ones are most susceptible to assault, harassment, abuse and bullying.

      In order to evangelize effectively, the Diocese of Green Bay is asking us to use the “Discover, Follow, Worship and Share Jesus” method. We must discover that Jesus was real and authentic. He lived and related to others in normal ways. In every relationship he desired to heal, liberate, teach and bring out the best in the other. He did not dominate them. For example, when he healed the ten lepers, he spoke to them as people who deserved to be healed, not as persons to be avoided. He did the same with the woman with the hemorrhage. He encountered her and she encountered him. He sent her forth as a healed and faith-filled woman. This was similar to the woman caught in adultery. He saw her as a person who could do better and he sent her forth as a woman he did not condemn, but whom he instructed to “sin no more.” Jesus shows respect which is the opposite of assault and abuse.

      Jesus’ parables also are powerful lessons in respect. The Good Samaritan belongs to a group whom Jews distrusted. Still, no one could deny the Samaritan did a generous and caring act by helping the man who had been beaten and robbed. Also, the Prodigal Son is not condemned, but received with love and forgiveness. Who can deny mercy to one’s family?

      Let us be authentic Christians by discovering Jesus and his power to lead and guide us today!

Happy Easter! Alleluia, Jesus Christ has risen! Alleluia!

Peace, Fr. Andy