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Author: Aidee Boesen

Happy Easter

Happy Easter! Alleluia, Jesus Christ has risen! Alleluia!

        Jesus died on the cross, but then he rose from the dead. WOW! God came to earth as Jesus, the Christ, the Messiah. He lived among the people while he loved them, taught them, healed them, forgave them, and enlightened them. He revealed God to the people, showing us that God is merciful, forgiving, and loving.

But, some of the people saw Jesus as a threat to their life and stability and power. They killed him, not because of their faith, but because of their lack of faith. However, Jesus’ death is not the last word in the drama. His death has become the way through which new life and possibility appear.

There are not enough words nor adequate words to describe the great joy that I feel each Easter. It is such an important and profound moment in our lives. Remembering the power and freedom that come from Jesus’ Passion, Death, and Resurrection is liberating for us. We are not bound, enslaved, imprisoned, or in any other way limited in our potential to love others. We can love and forgive and accept and welcome and care about EVERYONE! That is the goal. Love, forgive, accept, welcome and care about everyone! The life, death, and resurrection of Christ make it possible. Jesus the Christ took in the hate, the fear, and the violence and consumed them. His death said, “No more!” to their power. Love as the gift of self now rules the world.

May the Easter Season be full of enlightenment and joy for all of you. Pray to see with new eyes, hear with new ears, feel with a new heart, forgive with renewed mercy, and care for others with all your being. Do not let fear rule your lives. Tell those whom you love, that you LOVE them! Ask those from whom you need forgiveness to FORGIVE you! Tell those who have hurt you that you FORGIVE them! Look at those whom you have rejected and WELCOME them! DO NOT LET FEAR CONTROL YOUR LIFE!

Happy Easter! Alleluia, Jesus Christ has risen! Alleluia!