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Author: Aidee Boesen

A Welcoming Parish

     New music coordinator: Pam Quick has joined our parish team as coordinator of music for our Masses in English and our Bilingual Masses. Pam comes to us having worked at other local parishes as well as with a beautiful voice and with training and love for the organ. WELCOME PAM!

     Hearing Loop update: I have received a number of positive comments about the addition of the “hearing loop” in the church. Some people who do not hear well have told me that they are able to hear the whole Mass for the first time in years. That makes me very happy. Thank you, again, to all who contribute to the parish for such services. You are making a difference.

     Lenten Retreats: We are grateful for the organizing of a number of different days of reflection and retreats that are occurring during Lent. A number of adults went to St. Norbert Abbey to hear and see the presentation by Fr. Seamus Neilson, O. Praem. They were very pleased. Then, about 40 women made an Emmaus retreat at St. Norbert Abbey in Spanish. Men will be going on retreat Palm Sunday weekend. More than 150 children and teenagers have had days of reflection and weekend retreats as well. These spiritual opportunities make both individuals and the parish stronger.

     Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick: Many of you took the opportunity to receive the Sacrament or to pray for those who did. May the faith of individuals, families and the whole parish bring strength and comfort to those who are facing health difficulties, surgery, and rehabilitation.

     Being a “welcoming parish”: Our parish motto is “Open Doors, Open Hearts.” May we not only welcome the stranger, but also look to those who are here regularly and look for ways to make them feel at home. This means that we must not take anyone for granted. Let us pay attention to the elderly and disabled and assist them especially when they come to Mass. Additionally, go and introduce yourself to someone you do not know and make a new friend.

“Repent, and believe in the Gospel!”

Peace, Fr. Andy