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Author: Aidee Boesen

Mission Statement

      St. Willebrord Parish Mission Statement: Proclaiming the Word of God and service to all persons is the heart of the mission of St. Willebrord Parish.  With our efforts, we hope to develop the faith and activity of our own membership, to witness to and foster the message of Jesus to all who come to us, and to share our gifts and talents with everyone.

      Sunday afternoon our Parish Annual Meeting is at 2:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. I hope that you are planning to attend. It is your parish! At the meeting we want to hear what your hopes are for the parish, what are your needs, and what is your willingness and ability to help accomplish those things.

      Of course, St. Willys is a large parish. Our parish membership ranges from young families who are newlyweds, to families with perhaps one to six children, to older members, 153 of which are more than 80 years old! This requires many kinds of ministry ranging from offering the Sacraments, to faith formation for children and adults, to spiritual growth opportunities, to pastoral care for the sick and to those who are grieving, etc.

      The shared responsibility required to fulfill our Parish Mission means that each parishioner must see themselves as part of the “family.” Families are together for the long run. We must be able to see our short and long term needs together. We must review our changing needs and our changing abilities to serve the needs of others. When we are younger our ability to offer time, talent and treasure depends on whether we are single, or meeting the demands of raising a family. As we mature, and as our children become adults, we may be liberated to give of our time, talent, and treasure in new and different ways.

      In order for us to accomplish our Parish Mission we must continually review the basic services that the parish must provide, as well as the specific ministries which respond to the needs and desires of the current parish family. Each person and family must review how they are going to share in the parish ministry.

      Sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ requires creativity and responsiveness. We must not limit ourselves by saying or thinking: “This is the way we have always done it!” Remember Jesus’ own words: “You have heard that it was said…but I say to you…” (Matthew 5). He was saying that we must be open to the new and true. Let us pray always to be open to the new and true!

Peace, Fr. Andy