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Author: Aidee Boesen

Continue to Live the Gospel, Every Day!

      Looking back at Lent, Holy Week, and Easter, I am so very pleased and happy for all the celebrations, Masses, and prayerful events we experienced. The Lenten retreats and days of reflection were very meaningful. We offered retreats to those who will be confirmed, and to the elect and candidates who received Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil. We hosted a powerful men’s retreat one weekend where 30 men found new life and hope in the Resurrected Christ. We offered retreats to children, young teenagers and older teenagers. We had powerful and inspired leadership, and great participation in those retreats for which I am very grateful

      Of course, we celebrated important liturgies throughout Lent which included special moments for so many of our parishioners. Many were comforted at the Masses when we offered Anointing of the Sick. The Elect and candidates received special blessings and exorcisms at the Masses when we had the Scrutinies.  Of course, the rocks and stones at the base of the Lenten cross represented prayers, penances, sacrifices, and special works for our Lenten disciplines.

      Additionally, many of you showed your generosity as you made donations to the Water Project in India, made contributions to the Rice Bowl project of Catholic Relief Services which helps the poor throughout the world, and we gave money on Good Friday for the collection to help support the people and ministries in the Holy Land. We did all of that while continuing to support the daily activities of our parish.

      In the midst of all these activities, prayers, retreats, and Masses, we continued to serve the poor at our doors. We distributed many sandwiches and cups of coffee or juice to those who humbly ask for them. Our parishioners served around 200 meals to the hungry at N.E.W. Community Shelter. This occurred twice during Lent as we do this service every first Wednesday of the month throughout the year. We welcomed St. John the Evangelist Homeless Shelter to use our Parish Center as an over-flow space for the homeless who need a place to sleep. And we allowed the homeless to use our church and facilities during the day as they sought shelter from the weather and to rest their weary bodies and souls. Finally, we continued to host 4 different Alcoholics Anonymous meetings every week as those men and women seek to stay sober and healthy.

      May the parish family of St. Willebrord continue to live the Gospel, every day!

Peace Fr. Andy